Books Authored, Co-Authored, Edited, Co-Edited
Peer Reviewed Articles (Selected)
Chapters in Books (in print or accepted)
Other Writing
- Cooke, N. A. (2017). Post-Truth, Truthiness, and Alternative Facts: Information Behavior and Critical Information Consumption for a New Age. The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, 87(3), 211-221.
- Cooke, N. A. (2017). The GSLS Carnegie Scholars: Guests in Someone Else's House. Libraries: Culture, History, and Society, 1(1), 46-71.
- Cooke, N. A. (2016). Information sharing, community development, and deindividuation in the eLearning Domain. Online Learning (the official journal of the Online Learning Consortium), 20(2).
- Radford, M. L., Connaway, L. S., Mikitish, S., Alpert, M., Shah, C., and Cooke, N. A. (2016). Shared values, new vision: Collaboration and communities of practice in virtual reference and SQA. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(4). doi: 10.1002/asi.23668
- Cooke, N. A., Sweeney, M. E., and Noble, S. U. (2016). Social justice as topic and tool: An attempt to transform a LIS curriculum and culture. The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, 86(1), 107-124.
- Jaeger, P. T., Cooke, N. A., Feltis, C., Hamiel, M., Jardine, F., & Shilton, K. (2015). The virtuous circle revisited: Injecting diversity, inclusion, rights, justice, and equity into LIS from education to advocacy. The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, 85(2), 150-171.
- Cooke, N. A. (2014). Connecting: Adding an affective domain to the information intents theory. Library & Information Science Research, 36(3), 185-191.
- Cooke, N. A. (2014, May). Pushing back from the table. Polymath: An Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Journal, 4(2). Retrieved from
- Cooke, N. A. (2014). The Spectrum Doctoral Fellowship Program: Enhancing the LIS Professoriate. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information, 10(1). Retrieved from
- Cooke, N. A. (2012). Professional development 2.0 for librarians: Developing an online personal learning network (PLN). Library Hi Tech News, 29(3), 1 – 9.
- Cooke, N. A. (2010). Becoming an anagogical librarian: Using library instruction as a tool to combat library anxiety and empower adult learners. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 16(2), 208-227.
- Cooke, N. A. (2004). The role of libraries in web-based distance education: An account and an analysis of the impact of web technology on distance learning - what remains unchanged, what is changing. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 1(4), 47-57.
Chapters in Books (in print or accepted)
- Cooke, N. A. (2016). Documenting your critical journey. In N. Pagowsky and K. McElroy (Eds.), Critical Library Pedagogy Handbooks, Vol. 1 & 2. Chicago, IL: ALA Publications, 247-250.
- Cooke, N. A. (2016). Reference services for diverse populations. In L. C. Smith and M. Wong (Eds.), Reference and Information Services: An Introduction (5th edition). Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 338-366.
- Cooke, N. A. (2016). Counter-Storytelling in the LIS Curriculum. In P. T. Jaeger, U. Gorham, and N. Greene Taylor (Eds.), Perspectives on Libraries as Institutions of Human Rights and Social Justice (Advances in Librarianship series, Volume 41). Emerald Group Publishing, 331-348. [Invited work].
- Cooke, N. A. and Minarik, J. P. (2016). Linking LIS graduate study and social justice education: Preparing students for critically conscious practice. In B. Mehra and K. Rioux (Eds.), Progressive Community Action: Critical Theory and Social Justice in Library and Information Science. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press. 181-214.
- Cooke, N. A. (2014). Library Education in the World of Online Learning. In D. Bogart and B. Turock (Eds.), The Library and Book Trade Almanac 2013 (pp. 32-44). Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc.
- Cooke, N. A. (2013). It takes a village to teach online. In A. Sigal (Ed.), Advancing Librarian Education: Technological Innovation and Instructional Design (pp. 141-152). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Cooke, N. A. (2013). Developing your personal learning network. In K. Harrod (Ed.), Continuing Education for Librarians: Workshops, Conferences, College and Related Education (pp. 111-118). Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc.
- Cooke, N. A. (2009). Eating forbidden fruit: Censorship, intellectual freedom, and banned books. In R. Sittler and D. Cook (Eds.), The Library Instruction Cookbook. Chicago: The Association of College and Research Libraries.
- Cooke, N. A. (2007). Plagiarism and distance education. In S. Clayton (Ed.), Going the Distance: Library Instruction for Remote Learners (pp. 73-79). New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.
- Cooke, N. A. (2006). Conquering library anxiety. In K. Manuel (Ed.), Information Literacy Course Handbook for Distance and In-class Learners: Active Learning Handbook Series No. 1 (pp. 37-40). Pittsburgh, PA: Library Instruction Publications.
Other Writing
- Cooke, N. A. (2017, May 4). Tolerance Is Not Good Enough (Backtalk column). Library Journal. Retrieved from
- Cooke, N. A., & Hill, R. F. (2017). Considering Cultural Competence. Knowledge Quest, 45(3), 54-61.
- Cooke, N. A. (2016). An interview with Nicole Cooke. In D. E. Anderson and R. Pun (Eds.), Career Transitions for Librarians: Proven Strategies for Moving to Another Type of Library. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 111-114.
- Cooke, N. A. and Beckett, E. (2016). Training Library Professionals to Teach: A Study of New Jersey Train-The-Trainer. IConference 2016 Proceedings.
- Cooke, N. A. (2014, June). Creating opportunities for empathy and cultural competence in the LIS curriculum. SRRT Newsletter, 187. Retrieved from
- Cooke, N. A. (2013, September 25). Diversifying the LIS faculty (Backtalk column). Library Journal. Retrieved from
- Cooke, N. A. (2012). DO believe the hype. School Library Monthly, 28(7), 18-20. [Invited work].
- Cooke, N. A. (2008). Sadie Peterson Delaney. In H. L. Gates & E. B. Higginbotham (Eds.), The African American National Biography: Vol. 2. (pp. 631-632). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Cooke, N. A. (2008). Clara Stanton Jones. In H. L. Gates & E. B. Higginbotham (Eds.), The African American National Biography: Vol. 4. (pp. 642-643). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Hawthorne, P., & Cooke, N. A. (April 2008). Trendspotting and microtrends in academic libraries. College and Research Libraries News, 69(4), 214-215.
editing / reviewing.
- _Guest
editor for a 2011 themed issue on “Rethinking Reference” in Public Services Quarterly, 7(1/2).
- Editor of the “Internet Resources Column” in Public Services Quarterly (2007-2011)
- Editorial Board Intern for the Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS) – 2008 – 2010
- Fiction and audio book Reviewer for Library Journal, 2004 – present
- Audiovisual Material Reviewer for Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO), 2004 – 2010